Anamnesis Anyder

Anamnesis Anyder

Level 80, ilvl 440

80, i500

Kholusia (X:10.7, Y:36.1)

Beneath the Surface

Deep in the Tempest─deeper still than the phantom Amaurot of Emet-Selch's design─lies what remains of Anyder's ancient edifices. It is to an unexplored corner of this bed of knowledge that the Scions now travel, in hopes that what has long slumbered forgotten may be brought to the surface once more.  



In this battle, there are several abilities to watch out for. First, the boss will use "Fetid Fang" as a tankbuster. Next, there's "Scrutiny," where orbs will appear around the arena with AoE circles below them, leaving only three safe spots to stand. At the same time, the boss will move to the center and a roulette arrow will spin around it. Near the end of the cast, the arrow will stop and "slip" four more times before stopping on the next safe area. The boss will then blast that area with a narrow cone while the orbs explode. Another ability is "Luminous Ray," a line attack directed at a random player. The boss will turn to face the targeted player and charge a fiery orb in its mouth as a telegraph. "Inscrutability" is a party-wide damage ability that also inflicts an incurable "Bleeding" debuff for 12 seconds. Additionally, during the second cast of Scrutiny, a second boss called the "Unknown Add" will spawn. This add will use "Ectoplasmic Ray" at the same time as the first boss's Scrutiny attack. It is necessary to kill the second Unknown Add as well. "Clearout" is a short cone attack from the front of the Unknown boss that specifically targets the tank. "Setback" is a short cone attack from the Unknown's rear and is only used if a player is behind the boss and within melee range. Finally, after one of the Unknowns is defeated, the remaining boss will cast "Plain Weirdness" to give itself a "Damage Up" buff.


In this encounter, Kyklops, the boss, uses a variety of attacks. The first one is called "The Final Verse," which inflicts moderate damage to the entire party. Next, there is "2,000-mina Swing," a circular area of effect attack centered on Kyklops. Following that is "2,000-mina Swipe," a cone attack directly in front of the boss aimed at the tank. Kyklops also has the abilities "Terrible Hammer" and "Terrible Blade," which create images of a hammer or blade on the room's tiles. He casts one after the other, so it's important to pay attention to the order, as they launch their high-damage attacks on the corresponding tiles. Another attack is "Eye of the Cyclone," a ring area of effect where the only safe area is in melee range of the boss. Kyklops also uses "Raging Glower," a line attack towards a random player, which he signals by turning towards them and holding his hands up to his face. The boss occasionally applies a stack marker called "Open Hearth" on a random player. Lastly, there is "Wanderer's Pyre," which targets each player with circle areas of effect.

Merciless Matriarch: Rukshs Dheem

Rukshs Dheem has several abilities in the fight. "Bonebreaker" is a tankbuster attack. "Seabed Ceremony" deals damage to the entire party and has different effects depending on what Rukshs Dheem does before casting it. There are two possibilities: either Rukshs Dheem jumps to the front or back of the room and creates a water puddle that splits the room into two halves, causing anyone standing in it to be inflicted with the "Dropsy" debuff until they move out, or Rukshs Dheem moves to the center and causes two puddles to appear along the longer edges of the room. "Depth Grip (1)" summons four watery hands from puddles and slams them down in a specific order and direction. The direction of the hands depends on whether there is a puddle splitting the room in two or if there are puddles on the edges of the room. "Falling Water" marks two random players with large circle AoEs. "Rising Tide" is a cross-shaped AoE centered on Rukshs Dheem. "Unnatural Ripples" causes four of the eight vents in the floor to spray water. If a player is not standing on a rippling vent, a "Queen's Harpooner" add will spawn, which must be killed to remove the boss's "Invulnerability" buff. "Flying Fount" places a stack marker on a random player. "Command Current" consists of eight narrow cone attacks centered on Rukshs Dheem, leaving only four safe areas to stand. "Depth Grip (2)" occurs when the ripples appear for the second time, affecting all eight vents. This cast of Depth Grip summons four hands from the pools on the outside of the arena, facing inward towards four of the vents. Players should stand on the vents that do not have a hand next to them, allowing the unavoidable spawns to be killed by the Depth Grip hands as soon as they appear.
